The beloved Disney franchise, The Princess Diaries, is making a comeback with its third installment, and Anne Hathaway is set to reprise her iconic role as Mia Thermopolis. Directed by Adele Lim, known for her work on Joy Ride and Crazy Rich Asians, the film promises to celebrate themes of female empowerment and mentorship.
In her excitement, Lim stated, “As a diehard fan of the original ‘Princess Diaries,’ I’m beyond excited to be a part of bringing the third iteration of this beloved franchise to life.” Hathaway will also produce the film under her production banner, Somewhere Pictures, alongside original producer Debra Martin Chase.
Though details about the plot remain under wraps, Hathaway previously hinted that the project is progressing well, stating, “We’re in a good place.” The screenplay is being penned by Flora Greeson.
Fans of the franchise can look forward to this magical return!